#87 - Original 70's Hagstrom SUPER SWEDE

ca. 1970's HAGSTROM SUPER SWEDE. Original edition. Made in germany. If the cool name doesn't do it for you, the guitar itself will! A pure rocker, based n the Gibson Les Paul. These guitars were so good they just re-released these. Obviously nothing is ever as good as the original but if you get a chance to pick up an original for the $500- $800 do it vs. getting a re-issue for around the same money. I paid $200 for it in a 2nd hand store in the mid atlantic region, USA.
hmm. the pix here are not of a 70's hagstrom super swede.. but of a 2000's hagstrom swede. The original 70's super swede's go for about $2000 in 2009 and they were made in Sweden. The "modern" hagstroms are made in China.
Ummmm Anonymous is incorrect. I owned this guitar prior to 2009, more like 2006 or so. The re-issues weren't even out. This is an original. I owned it, I know what I had but thanks for looking and the comment. I do appreciate it, but it was an original. I got no where near $2000, they just didnt fetch that much when I sold it about 2 r 3 years ago. Maybe at a vintage store, but not on ebay!
The pictures are not very good, but looking at the selector switches it must be original Vintage.
It is however not a Super Swede but a Swede. Super Swedes had a zero fret and this one has not. The Swedes go for around $ 500 to $ 800 these days.
If you ever see a Super Swede (original Vintage) at around 1200 $, buy it.
BTW they are NOT made in Germany but in Sweden.
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This is for sure an original Swede made in sweden, because of teh selector switches, the bridge and the tail piece.
If your serial number is on the jack plate,starting with 53 plus a six digit number it is for sure made in sweden. Tell me the serial number and I can tell you the date when it was made.
New Chinese models have the S/N in the back of the headstock starting with M plus a 8-digit number.
Officially they started in 2006 but they produced as early as 2003. I have one beleave me, I am a dealer of the new ones.
This is for sure an original Swede made in sweden, because of teh selector switches, the bridge and the tail piece.
If your serial number is on the jack plate,starting with 53 plus a six digit number it is for sure made in sweden. Tell me the serial number and I can tell you the date when it was made.
New Chinese models have the S/N in the back of the headstock starting with M plus a 8-digit number.
Officially they started in 2006 but they produced as early as 2003. I have one beleave me, I am a dealer of the new ones.
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Hi, I have what I believe to be a super swede. Number on the jack plate is 53 065232, is this a legit earlt eighties swede?
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